Some Things About Me




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Name:  Christopher Van Dunk  My Pictures

Stats:  6'1, 175, black hr, brown eyes, smooth, clean cut, clean shaven, 42"chest, 31"wst, 

Birthday:  Dec 15th , 1971 in Los Angeles California

Family Members:  Father, Mother, 1 Sister

Religion:  Episcopalian

Political:  Independent

Favorite Colors:  Blue and Black

Sexual Orientation:  If you are reading this you know.  (gay)

Age I came out:  To myself (12), to my family (22)

Pets:  None

Longest Relationship:  3 years

Shortest:  1.5 months

The Gay Agenda:  If this is it, then what do we do during the week.

Things That Make Me Laugh:  Good clean comedians (Anthony Clark, Sinbad, Bill Cosby), but then so does Chris Rock, my friends, and of course being tickled.

Favorite Foods:  Italian, Home cooking

One of My Favorite CDs: Nsync " No Stings Attached"

Favorite Poems:   e.e. cummings , Jack Frost

Favorite Web Sites:  Well go see the list

Last Concert I Saw:  Janet Jackson Rhythm Nation ( yeah I know that was a long time ago)

Vehicle I Drive:  Isuzu Rodeo 1996, black    See it

Hand I Use the Most:  Right 

Tattoos:  None

Piercing:  None

Favorite TV Shows: Charmed, Pretender, Profiler, Law and Order SVU, The Practice

Last Movie I Saw: Scary Movie

Last Movie I Enjoyed: Scary Movie

My Type of Man: Varies greatly.  But that special someone from above fits the bill.  Description

High School:  Pacific Palisades High  '90

College:  Univ. Of Southern California  '94

Residence:  New York City and Los Angeles

Future plans: Continue to work on body, continue to work on my web design, maybe learn the Dutch language.



AOL Instant messenger:  vballguynyc

ICQ:  60709632