Chris Van Dunk

December 15, 1971


No Tattoos

ICQ: 60709632

AOL:  Vballguynyc


6 feet 1 inches

Black Hair

Brown Eyes

42" chest

31" waist











Color:  Blue and Black

Food:   Bocca Burgers, veg. lasagna

Movie:  The Big Blue, Field Of Dreams, The Color Purple, Grease 2, The Professional

TV Show:  Will & Grace, Oz, Sex in the City, Charmed,  

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Live the life you imagined."  








"Growing up is the slow process of learning to tell oneself the truth."

Laura Argiri

What I do for Fun:




TV and Movies


Walking Around the City


My Car

1996 Isuzu Rodeo



"Everything is beautiful here, and that is all it is: beautiful.  Do not expect anything else, do not expect nourishment for anything but your eye - and you will handle it all beautifully."

Andrew Holleran

"You wait for a gem in an endless sea of blah."

Lawrence Grossman


Favorite Celebs:

Female:  Michelle Pheiffer

Male: Jean Reno 

Cartoon:  Spy Groove (Spy #2 kicks ass)

Sports: Steve Young, John Roethlisberger, Jamie Natalie, Blaine Wilson, Will Clark, Sinjin Smith, Tino Martinez, Karch Kiray, David Picher  



Favorite Books:

 Fake Liar Cheat, Goldberg

 American Psycho, Ellis

 Trailblazing, Anderson

 Natual History Of The Senses, Ackerman


"Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount."

Clare Boothe Luce

"Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you remember."

Oscar Levant



Favorite Group: Nsync & Live (tie, but how different can you get) 

Female: Janet Jackson 

Male: Sting 

Other Fav's: Blink 182,Christina Aguillera, Garth Brooks, I like alot of people hard to put down some favorites but those are the ones that pop into mind first.